Save the World

From Save the World
Revision as of 09:56, 12 March 2023 by Savetheworld (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Save the World wiki. If you're reading this, it's because you are convinced that we need to find a solution to the crisis facing our environment. Tomorrow's heroes are the people who tackle climate change today.

This wiki has two purposes:

  1. It shows why the creating a unified media campaign motivating the public to push for climate change legislation is the single most important step we can do to save the planet. It also lays out a plan to achieve this.
  2. It serves as a reliable place for climate activists to learn about climate change solutions.

There is a LOT of information out there about on climate change, and it comes with many perspectives on what actions to take, but if we're to come up with a plan together, we need to address the issue that faces us the most urgently, RIGHT NOW.

The Problem

We can work our way back from the overall problem to figure out the first step in solving it.

  1. The planet is warming, because we're adding greenhouse gases into the air, and we're destroying natural habitats that take greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. We need to reverse these practices. We already have many solutions to do this, but we'll need a lot more.
  2. These solutions broadly come in the form of legislation, technology, and lifestyle changes. Enacting them will require massive shifts in how we do things.
  3. Severe shifts in the ways societies operate only happen when the public is convinced they are necessary. This movement requires an effective communication strategy to get the public to push for change.

The Solution

This wiki outlines the elements required for this movement, in order of priority. Here they are:

  1. Communication: How can we effectively communicate the urgency of tackling climate change so that the public demands legislation, technological advancements, and lifestyle changes?
  2. Civic action: Once people care about the issue, how can they influence their leaders to take action?
  3. Legislation: What laws need to be passed now that leaders are committed to facing the problem?
  4. Technology: Now that the legal framework exists, what technologies need to be developed for getting to net-zero emissions, and what can we start using today?
  5. Lifestyle: How can individuals make changes to their lifestyle that contribute to the solution now that government and private industries are on board?

Starting with number 1 on this list doesn’t mean we can’t do all of these things at once. We want people to demand action from their leaders now; for leaders to implement legislation now; for entrepreneurs and engineers to develop zero-carbon technologies now; and for people to make changes to their lifestyle now. However none of this will work without public support. Therefore we must prioritize convincing people before we can achieve anything else.

A Work in Progress

The Wiki is a work in progress. Below is a to-do list of things to add:

  • Money - we'll need substantial investment in order to get this movement off the ground. I imagine this will come in a myriad of ways. I'm particularly interested in figuring out how to draw money in for the communication element of the solution.
  • Diversity of opinion. Although we'd like a cohesive plan, at the moment, there aren't enough sources in this wiki. So we need to fill it out with more information from other reputable experts
  • Lots of detail needs to go in that isn't there now. The communication strategy requires more work, which will come with additional people working on the project. Legislation needs more clarity, and the lifestyle section needs to be properly expanded upon.