Vraga, E. K., Bode, L., & Tully, M. (2020). Creating news literacy messages to enhance expert corrections of misinformation on Twitter.

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Title: Creating News Literacy Messages to Enhance Expert Corrections of Misinformation on Twitter Author: Emily K. Vraga, Leticia Bode, and Melissa Tully Date: 2020

Summary: This study investigates how news literacy messages can be designed to improve the effectiveness of expert corrections of misinformation on Twitter. Misinformation on social media platforms, particularly Twitter, is a growing concern, and it is crucial to develop strategies to counter false information and promote accurate understanding among users.

Vraga, Bode, and Tully conducted an experiment in which participants were exposed to misinformation on Twitter and then presented with corrections from experts. The researchers manipulated the format of the correction messages, varying the presence of news literacy components and the experts' level of politeness. The study aimed to determine which message formats were most effective in changing participants' beliefs about the misinformation.

The results of the study indicated that including news literacy components in expert correction messages significantly improved their effectiveness. Furthermore, the researchers found that politeness in the message tone did not significantly affect the effectiveness of the correction. However, it was suggested that politeness may have a more substantial impact on other outcomes, such as the willingness to share or engage with the correction.

Overall, the study highlights the importance of incorporating news literacy elements in expert corrections to enhance their effectiveness in countering misinformation on Twitter. This research provides valuable insights for experts, journalists, and communicators seeking to develop strategies to address misinformation and promote accurate understanding among social media users.