Lindner, A. M. (2013). New Media and the “Anchor Chair”: Revisiting the Role of Television News.

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Title: New Media and the “Anchor Chair”: Revisiting the Role of Television News Author: Andrew M. Lindner Year: 2013


In "New Media and the 'Anchor Chair': Revisiting the Role of Television News," Andrew M. Lindner (2013) examines how new media, particularly digital storytelling and social media, have influenced television news and its ability to reach and engage audiences. The article explores the role of television news in the context of increasing digital media consumption and the ways in which television news organizations can assess their reach and exposure in the digital age.

Lindner emphasizes the importance of measuring the impact of campaigns by using metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement (likes, shares, comments), and media coverage. The author also highlights the role of storytelling in capturing the audience's attention and fostering engagement with the content.

While the focus of this article is on television news, the concepts discussed are relevant to assessing the reach and exposure of campaigns related to various issues, including climate change communication.