Quintuple clean energy and climate-related R&D over the next decade.

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Investing in research and development to fight climate change is important, but governments are not doing enough. They only spend about $22 billion a year on clean energy R&D, which is only a small part of the world's economy. The US, which invests the most in clean energy research, only spends about $7 billion a year. To compare, people in the US spend more money on gas in just one month. A good example to follow is the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which has a budget of $37 billion a year and has created important medicines that people all over the world use every day. This is the level of ambition we need for climate change. Although it might seem like a lot of money to increase an R&D budget by five times, it's still small compared to the size of the problem and shows how serious a government is about it.

Gates, Bill. How to Avoid a Climate Disaster (p. 200). Penguin Books Ltd. Kindle Edition.